We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the international PAS 2060 certification, and Starbank is now officially recognised as “A Carbon Neutral Manufacturing Company”. This has been carried out in partnership with Energy Gain UK.
With the Conference of the Parties ( COP26 ) highlighting that we all have a responsibility to reduce our impact on the planet’s resources, we are pleased that Starbank has already been able to meet the strict carbon neutral standards.
We have been able to dramatically reduced our CO² emissions over the last 5 years. Notably through sustained and significant investment in our Biomass, Solar and Extraction systems. This has enabled us to demonstrate our ability to meet these stringent PAS 2060 requirements.
The only recognised international standard for carbon neutrality is: PAS 2060. We will continue to work hard to implement additional strategies to further reduce our impact.
We believe we are the first fabricator in the UK to achieve this standard. In fact there are very few companies of our size that are holding this certification, so we are very proud of what we do here at Starbank.
Carbon Neutral Vs Net Zero
The Starbank team have invested significant time and resources to achieve this standard. However we cannot lose focus, the ultimate challenge for all companies will be to reach “Net Zero”.
We often hear the terms “Carbon Neutral” and “Net Zero” but we don’t necessarily understand the differences. “Carbon Neutral” means that we doing very well but not quite at “Zero” Emissions and need to offset a small percentage that we cannot currently achieve through sustainable methods. The way we do this is by buying “Carbon credits”. These credits go directly towards active carbon reduction projects all over the world– such as renewable energy in large wind farms, solar arrays etc.
Net Zero, put simply, refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. We reach net zero when the amount we add is no more than the amount taken away. World Leader’s have discussed Net Zero targets and plans at COP26. The results of this important gathering, will require active carbon removal projects to take CO² out of the atmosphere. This is the ultimate long term goal for all businesses to achieve what will be global emission targets by 2050.
Carbon Credits
Our carbon credits for this year have gone towards the Maharashtra Wind Project in India. This wind turbine project converts wind energy into renewable electricity, selling the power generated to the state grid. The project comprises of 40 wind turbines, each of 2 MW capacity and 57 turbines, each of 2.1 MW capacity. Together they feed into the large NEWNE grid (Norther, Eastern, Western & North Eastern) saving some 364,000 tonnes of CO² annually. The project developer has also invested in local healthcare, raising awareness of the importance of donating blood and organising blood donation camps in local communities.
One Planet. One Future.