Nursery School Washroom Challenge
To manufacture unisex nursery school washrooms, that are vibrant and create an impact.
With the launch of our Education washroom ranges via our Cubico Washroom brand, we were able to meet the brief by just showing the client our nursery school washrooms. The Bounce range with its dynamic shape was perfect for their project. With our long standing reputation with our suppliers we were happy to stray away from our preferred decor colours and work with our client to find the colours that they had in envisaged.
Our Client opted for the headrail version of Bounce. This added extra privacy as well as accentuating the shape of our cubicle design. The overall verdict from our client surpassed their expectations and are to use Bounce on their next washroom project. Visit our sister site Cubico Washrooms for more details about our Bounce Nursery School Washroom.